Threshold Sacred Development is a partnership founded on deep value alignment between Mark Elsdon Strategic Consulting and Threshold Development Group. The partnership arose organically while working on multiple Church redevelopment projects together. We realized that there is a need for an integrated development services provider capable of helping houses of worship navigate the entire spectrum of the development process.
Threshold Sacred is uniquely positioned, and uniquely committed, to helping houses of worship navigate the development process in missioned aligned ways for the benefit of society.
Pre-Pre Development
Through a partnership with RootedGood, Threshold Sacred Development offers discounted access to the Good Futures Social Enterprise Accelerator Course which is designed to help houses of worship generate ideas for how to use their buildings and property to generate revenue and social good.
Our team can help lead a congregation through a process of determining what you are looking to accomplish in property development so that you are ready to engage a developer partner (us or someone else) and move your project forward within the congregation.
Wondering what could be done on your property? Threshold Sacred Development will work with you to generate more concrete possibilities for what could be developed on your property based on mission objectives, site layout, zoning, financial realities, and more.
Pre Development
Item description
Pre - Pre Development
Imagination and Ideation: Through a partnership with RootedGood, Threshold Sacred Development offers discounted access to the Good Futures Social Enterprise Accelerator Course which is designed to help houses of worship generate ideas for how to use their buildings and property to generate revenue and social good.
How to Develop Well preparation process: Our team can help lead a congregation through a process of determining what you are looking to accomplish in property development so that you are ready to engage a developer partner (us or someone else) and move your project forward within the congregation.
Exploration of possibilities: Wondering what could be done on your property? Threshold Sacred Development will work with you to generate more concrete possibilities for what could be developed on your property based on mission objectives, site layout, zoning, financial realities, and more.
Pre Development
Once you are ready to move forward with a development project, Threshold Sacred Development will work to guide you through the process of initial site plans, feasibility analysis, financing, etc.
Threshold Sacred Development is a full-service developer with decades of experience building in the Madison area. We can turn your project idea into reality.
Threshold Sacred Development can provide full service property management for residential and commercial properties in addition to long term asset management and financial reporting to stakeholders.