Good Futures Social Enterprise Accelerator
A Special Invitation to Wisconsin Churches
Is your church building costing you more than you can afford?
Does it sit empty for large portions of the week?
Are you having trouble keeping up with your annual budget due to declines in membership or giving?
Are you wondering how to better connect your ministry with the needs and gifts of your neighborhood?
What if you could flip the switch and turn what is currently a liability into an asset? What if you could generate new revenue AND use your buildings and property to further your mission and ministry in your neighborhood?
The Good Futures Accelerator Course can help your church generate revenue AND increase your ministry impact!
Threshold Sacred Development (TSD) has teamed up with RootedGood to offer churches in Wisconsin a 50% discount for the Good Futures Accelerator course. The Good Futures Accelerator is a dynamic, self-paced, and proven course to unlock church resources and imagination. Created by RootedGood, this curriculum empowers congregations to align money and mission by exploring how to creatively use their church buildings and land to further their mission and generate sustainable revenue.
To access this course at a 50% discount, sign up here. RootedGood will take it from there and send you everything you need to complete the 9 month course via mail and email. Threshold Sacred Development may follow-up in about 9 months to find out how the accelerator process went for your church. Other than that - there are no strings attached! Really.
Sign up here
If, after completing the course, you want help developing your property, Threshold Sacred Development is happy to discuss if we can be helpful to you. If you want to work with a different developer (or don’t develop anything at all) that is totally fine with us. We just want to encourage churches to build capacity and make use of their property for good in the world and good for their congregation.